Basics of Labour Law. Lecture 1 «Labour Law Elementary Course» Individual Labour Law, Collective Labour Law, International Labour Law

Basics of Labour Law. Lecture 1 «Labour Law Elementary Course» Individual Labour Law, Collective Labour Law, International Labour Law

Немає в наявності
характеристики Опис
Переплет мягкий 
Тип издания Учебное пособие 
Год издания 2017 
ISBN 978-617-566-417-9 
Издательство Алерта 
Вес 0.1 кг 
Язык английский 
Тираж 100 шт
Автор Панасюк О.Т. 
Количество страниц 74 стр

This edition is designed for anyone who studies or teaches Labour Law as a discipline; carries out scientific researches in the specialty 12.00.05 - Labour Law, Social Security Law; involved in making rules and regulations at different levels.

The peculiarity of the offered material is its brevity and theoretical prudence, to ensure the formation of Labour Law basic knowledge. Lecture 1 is the first part of the Labour Law Elementary Course.


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