Basics of Labour Law. Lecture 5. Doctrine labour contract

Basics of Labour Law. Lecture 5. Doctrine labour contract

Немає в наявності
характеристики Опис
Переплет мягкий 
Тип издания Учебное пособие 
Год издания 2017 
ISBN 978-617-566-439-1 
Издательство Алерта 
Вес 0.1 кг 
Язык английский 
Тираж 100 шт
Автор Панасюк О.Т. 
Количество страниц 60 стр

The publication is intended for the attention of all who studies or teaches Labour Law of Ukraine as an educational discipline; carries out research in the specialty 12.00.05 - Labour Law, Social Security Law.

The set of questions in Lecture 5 covers the comprehensive presentation of the doctrine on labour contract, which makes it useful in the practical application of Labour legislation of Ukraine.


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