Gerhard Werle

Gerhard Werle

Товарів: 1
на сторінці
Principles of International Criminal Law. Third edition

Переплет: мягкий. Язык: английский. Год издания: 2014. Автор: Gerhard Werle, Florian Jessberger. ISBN: 978-0-19-870360-0. Вес: 1.5 кг. Тираж: 300 шт. Количество страниц: 676 стр.

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He has been a visiting professor at various universities worldwide, including Columbia Law School, New York; Kansai University, Osaka; University of Sydney; University of Technology, Sydney; University of Cape Town; and University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, where he is Director of the South African-German Centre for Development Research and Criminal Justice. Professor Werle was a member of the Working Group on the Introduction of a Code of Crimes Against International Law established by the German Federal Ministry of Justice, and is a member of the Expert Committee of the German Red Cross on International Humanitarian Law. His works on international criminal law, transitional justice, and modern legal history have been published widely in many languages.